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Try trading from groups, not from one network, but two!

Trade Easier with GAPS

How? Simple! We're hoping to provide users the ability to trade easier on both Solana and Ethereum networks by allowing users to trade straight from groups after connecting their wallet(s). 

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Networks & Fees

Trading with Gaps

Currently, the Gaps Trade bot supports two networks, them being, the Solana Network & the Ethereum Network. As per fees, we currently charge 1% fees per successful transaction.


The above shown example is the P&L tab after a successful buy!

Token Details

Contract Address: 0x1BADc36ec606054b33D180cE4CcE2C3DBC7dc90D

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1B)

Buy Tax: 3%

Sell Tax: 3%

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